Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) is a technology that integrates telephone systems with computer systems. This allows healthcare providers to access patient information and make calls from their computer screens. CTI can improve hospital operations and patient care in a number of ways.

Benefits of CTI for Hospitals

  • Improved productivity and efficiency. CTI can help hospitals improve productivity and efficiency by streamlining workflows and reducing the need for manual data entry. For example, CTI can automatically populate patient information on a computer screen when a call comes in. This allows healthcare providers to quickly and easily access the information they need, without having to look it up manually.
  • Improved communication. CTI can also improve communication between healthcare providers and patients. For example, CTI can allow healthcare providers to see who is calling before they answer the phone. This can help them to prioritize calls and ensure that patients are always connected with the right person.
  • Better patient care. CTI can also help to improve patient care by providing healthcare providers with access to real-time patient information. For example, CTI can allow healthcare providers to see a patient’s medical history and current medications while they are on the phone with them. This can help healthcare providers to provide better care and make more informed decisions about patient treatment.

Types of CTI Solutions

There are two main types of CTI solutions: hardphone CTI and softphone CTI.

  • Hardphone CTI solutions require the use of a dedicated CTI phone. These phones are connected to a computer and allow healthcare providers to access patient information and make calls from their computer screens.
  • Softphone CTI solutions do not require the use of a dedicated CTI phone. Instead, healthcare providers can use their existing computers or mobile devices to access patient information and make calls.

Choosing a CTI Solution

When choosing a CTI solution for your hospital, there are a few factors you need to consider, such as:

  • The size of your hospital. If you have a large hospital, you will need a CTI solution that can handle a high volume of calls.
  • The type of CTI solution you want. Do you want a hardphone CTI solution or a softphone CTI solution?
  • The features you need. What features are important to you in a CTI solution?


CTI can be a valuable tool for hospitals that want to improve their operations and patient care. By streamlining workflows, improving communication, and providing better access to patient information, CTI can help hospitals to provide better care and improve patient outcomes.

Call to Action

If you want to learn more about CTI services for hospitals, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today. We would be happy to discuss your specific needs and recommend a solution that is right for your hospital.