We are facing a worldwide crisis in the shape of a pandemic that has battered everyone so badly
in both economic and social lives. Technology is playing its role to the highest extent ever that a
person today can handle the situation quite well. Telehealth is monitoring the condition of the
patient while ensuring the possible provision of health care workers in service 24/7. Such
technology set up is providing an excellent example in every field. We have to think about every
way to decrease the impact caused by this pandemic and we have to show a sense of
responsibility by putting our efforts in controlling the further spread. So, telemedicine has
played a productive and safe role in society even in this case of crisis.
An Essential Role.
There is a point to be noted that if the disease had spread in a little earlier era that without any
technological tools we can easily imagine how the condition would be now. That’s our luck as
we are born in an era of science and we are getting benefits in every aspect. Looking towards
our health system in which a student has to pass through tremendous competition for securing
admission in the medical field and it takes a lot worth for one doctor to be prepared. Now, in the
wake of this pandemic which is going to increase day by day our doctors are frontline warriors.
We have to think about them and adopt a safer method which can lead to the glory of our nation
in this war. So, a safer method includes the assistance of a virtual platform that the tech
companies have provided us with. Virtual Hospital is the basic leading idea in this case forever
safe purpose. So, a provision of a safer method can play an essential role in this regard.
Pakistan’s Efforts.
In Pakistan, the pandemic is growing at a slower rate than the European countries but the slow
spread is even alarming for society. Now a task force is being trained using E-Learning about
the health services which can render their duties easily without any social contact. So, this is a
really good effort to curb the spread and make people aware of the technological power that can
assist in fighting against COVID-19. Various health worker has started using the online
platforms to engage with their patients regularly and can easily tackle the situation efficiently
and can monitor the health of the patient in no time. We as a nation have to put forward our
steps in this war and fight with all safety measures.